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Shih Lab
University of California, San Diego

Our Team

Dr. Pei-An Betty Shih, Lea Jacinto, Jonathan Wells, Stacy Maciel,
Nhien Nguyen, Gabriel Garcia, Jennifer Walston, Rachel Weber, and Minnie Yip (Left to right)
Research team at the University of California, San Diego
We are also recruiting in Canada at the University of Toronto
Toronto site PI: D. Blake Woodside, MSc, MD, FRCPC
Toronto site study coordinator: Ms. Eileen Lam*
*If you are in the Toronto area and are interested in participating, please call
416-603-5800 x 5494
Study Advisors and Collaborators
Study Collaborators
University of California, San Diego, USA
​Oswald Quehenberger, PhD
Charles T. Taylor, PhD
University of California, Davis, USA
Christophe Morisseau, PhD
Jun Yang, PhD
Dongyang Li, PhD
San Diego Community Contact, California, USA
Rodney von Jaeger, MPH
Community Engagement Manager, ACTRI, UC San Diego
Study Advisors
Katherine A. Halmi, MD
Professor Emerita of Psychiatry, Cornell University
Bruce German, PhD
Professor, Department of Food Science and Technology, UC Davis
Bruce D. Hammock, PhD
Distinguished Professor, Director, NIEHS-UCD Superfund Research Program, UC Davis
Missions and Research Goals:
Anorexia nervosa has the highest mortality rate among major psychiatric illnesses. We aim to improve treatment outcome and quality of life for individuals suffering from eating disorders. In the current food aversion study, we will identify how heritable factors work together with dietary intake to affect symptoms and outcome of anorexia nervosa.

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